Hoarders Ex-Pat Edition

That is my idea for a reality show. My show would focus on ex-pats all over the world. I am curious what others  fill their suitcases with (like Junior Mints and Bagel Thins) when visiting home. There are products you can’t find or get in your host country that you miss. A co-worker just returned from the US with 6 bottles of wine in her luggage and somehow was successful at getting them through customs. That could be some good TV! I would also feature a segment on items people stock up at the import grocer (canned chicken, PopChips, Diet Root Beer and Greek yogurt).  Items come and go quickly and you never know when they will be back in stock again, maybe never… so you buy them up when you see them (like my 8 yogurts last night). My show would also feature interviews with employees who work at the stores and they will tell their tales of what they have seen,  like the crazy lady who purchased 8 yogurts at $4 each.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Amy
    Sep 06, 2011 @ 08:21:52

    I would totally watch!!


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